2022 Course Descriptions

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7:30 – 8:30am: Registration, Breakfast, and Sponsor Exhibits
8:30 – 8:45am: Welcome

Audrey Anderson
Director of Development, Gift Planning
Oregon State University Foundation

Stephanie Shenigo Zaino, JD
Director of Development II, Gift Planning
Oregon State University Foundation

8:45 – 9:45am: Keynote Address

Humanics Before Mechanics Leads to Greater Legacy Planning

James F. Normandin
Principal Consultant
Normandin & Associates

It has been my observation that those who have been assisting individuals/families and their advisors in the selection and design of optimal charitable planning strategies find great satisfaction with their career and a special bonding with the client/donor and the charities involved. Over the years, we have found that these plans tend to be as unique as the individual circumstances and objectives of the donor(s)/family. For some, it is the opportunity to enhance wealth transfer to charity, children, grandchildren and other heirs. For others, it’s the desire to convert unproductive assets into meaningful lifestyle/retirement cash flow. And, for many, it’s simply the deep satisfaction of making a difference in the community and or organizations that are important to them. However, in all cases it is imperative we be more curious than certain. It is their money! What does Legacy mean to them? Explore the Humanics before the Mechanics. This keynote will address how helping a donor articulate their individual goals, needs and concerns leads to stronger collaboration with their professional advisors to co-create the mechanics of a successful gift plan.

9:45 – 10:00am: Break and Sponsor Exhibits
10:00 – 11:00am: Breakout Session I

Breakout Session I: Track One

Planned Giving 101: Introduction to Gift Planning

Wes Milligan
Director of Planned Giving, Oregon
The Nature Conservancy

Designed for attendees who are new to planned giving or are in need of a refresher of the basics, this seminar will provide a broad overview of types of planned gifts. We will cover bequests, beneficiary designations, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, and IRA gifts with an explanation of what each of these tools are and how they can benefit your donors. We will also take a moment to look at the big picture of planned giving, what it is and how it fits into development.

Breakout Session I: Track Two

Understanding and Adapting to Trends in Next-generation Philanthropy

Katherine Fox, CFP®, CAP®
Philanthropic Advisor

With philanthropic dollars moving towards younger generations, non-profits are hyper aware of the need to respond to changing demographics and needs among donors. Over the past several months, I have conducted surveys of a wide variety of development professionals to understand how non-profits see this problem and the strategies they have tried to engage the next generation. Sharing results from these surveys will reveal the depth to which organizations are struggling with this issue, strategies that have been successful, and how to start building a plan to support your organization as wealth continues moving to Gen X and Millennials.

Breakout Session I: Track Three

Giving in Diverse Communities

Dien Yuen, JD, LLM, CAP®, AEP®
Executive Director, Center for Philanthropy & Social Impact
Assistant Blunt-Nickel Professor in Philanthropy
The American College of Financial Services

Emerging research shows that high-net-worth donors of color give generously to invest in systemic change. Yet, few advisors have the confidence, competence, or cultural know-how to help these donors meet their philanthropic goals. How might we better engage high-net-worth donors of color through our roles as trusted advisors? How do they approach philanthropy, and what giving vehicles and strategies appeal to them? How does philanthropic giving affect their financial and estate planning decisions? In this interactive discussion, Dien will share recent research on high-net-worth donors of color, explore their unique giving journeys, the issues they support, and the role advisors can play.

11:00 – 11:20am: Break and Sponsor Exhibits
11:20am – 12:20pm: Breakout Session II

Breakout Session II: Track One

Planned Giving 102: Legacy Giving and How to Talk to Your Donors About It

Jennifer Milburn
Senior Director, Gift Planning
Oregon State University Foundation

Now that we know what the types of planned gift are, let’s look closer at how they intersect with your donor’s estate planning and how to identify opportunities to discuss these vehicles with your donors. We will discuss when these tools may be appropriate for your donors and what the next steps are when you identify a prospective planned gift. Part of this discussion will also focus on marketing of planned gifts as well as a discussion on legacy giving in general, the motivations involved and how to work with your donors to help ensure that their intent and wishes are fulfilled by their planning.

Breakout Session II: Track Two

Cash is for Amateurs!

Tiffany House, CAP®, CEPA, FCEP
Vice President,  Thompson & Associates
President of Tax & Estate Strategy and the Gift Planning Institute

Over 95% of the average American’s wealth is held in non-cash assets. Why are we asking for gifts of cash, when cash meagerly makes up less than 5% of their wealth and asset gifts can provide financial and estate planning opportunities?

In this workshop, we will explore the psychology of givers and how asset gifts can grow and develop our relationships with our donors and clients while enhancing the size of their gifts. We will walk through a few real-life case studies when donors were able to accomplish more with gifts of assets that helped their financial and estate planning goals. Then we will look to match the donors’/clients’ objectives with the appropriate gift planning tools through the use of a planned giving cheat sheet. Participants will be encouraged to participate, and they will leave the workshop empowered to talk to their clients and donors about gifting assets.

Breakout Session II: Track Three

The Power of Legacy Giving in Campaigns

Rochelle Makela-Goodman
Assistant Vice President, Gift Planning
Oregon Health & Science University Foundation

The great wealth transfer, pressure to build capacity, and competition are spurring more institutions to integrate planned gifts into their comprehensive fundraising campaigns. This session will examine the benefits and methods for successfully positioning legacy giving in major fundraising campaigns. Campaign preparation, goal-setting, policy considerations, board advocacy, collaborating with major gift officers, and marketing will be discussed using case studies and best practices.

12:20 – 1:40pm: Lunch and Distinguished Service Award (DSA) presentation

Wes Milligan, 2022 DSA Honoree
Pete Sommerfeld, CSPG, Presenter

1:40 – 2:40pm: Breakout Session III

Breakout Session III: Track One

The Art of Staying Connected to Your Donors: Stewardship and Legacy Societies

Pete Sommerfeld, CSPG
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Oregon Health and Science University Foundation

Stewardship: It’s all about your donors. This session will explore how you, as an organization and as an individual, can show appreciation and keep them connected to your cause – and potentially, just maybe, make some lifelong friends.

Breakout Session III: Track Two

Succession Planning and Career Development


Rebecca Bibleheimer, JD, LLM
Senior Complex Gifts Officer
Oregon Community Foundation


Jim Normandin
Principal Consultant
Normandin & Associates

Dien Yuen, JD, LLM, CAP®, AEP®
Executive Director, Center for Philanthropy & Social Impact
Blunt-Nickel Professor in Philanthropy
The American College of Financial Services

Liz Arrington, CSPG
Senior Director of Development
Oregon Health & Science University Foundation

Kathy Hostetler
Hostetler Group LLC

This session will explore the unique and unexpected journeys that have led to working in philanthropy and gift planning, identify professional development opportunities and meaningful mentorship activities that have moved careers forward, and share ideas and strategies for recruiting and retaining the next generation of professional colleagues.

Breakout Session III: Track Three

Tax-Advantaged Business Sales

Tiffany House, CAP®, CEPA, FCEP
Vice President, Thompson & Associates
President of Tax & Estate Strategy and the Gift Planning Institute

We are entering the largest wealth transfer in history as the baby boomers get ready to retire and leave their legacy. Many business owners are shocked when they realize that 20%-40% of their hard-earned proceeds will go to Uncle Sam. This provides the perfect opportunity for the most philanthropic class, entrepreneurs, to give back to their community and save on taxes.

In this presentation, we will graphically explore tax-advantaged planning tools and discuss when they can apply for certain types of businesses and owners’ circumstances. We will go over two real-life case studies of business sales with details on the process of determining the best outcomes for the business owner.

Learning Objectives: Be empowered to talk to business owners about tax-advantaged sale options. Understand how various planning tools apply to different corporate structures. Feel confident as an advisory team member when clients are ready to sell their business.

2:40 – 3:00pm: Dessert and Sponsor Exhibits
3:00 – 4:00pm: Breakout Session IV

Breakout Session IV: Track One

Marketing for Planned Gifts

Andy Ragone, CGPP
Integrated Marketing Specialist
Crescendo Interactive, Inc.

Kimberly Jetton, MNM, CFRE
Pleiades Nonprofit Advisors

Intentional planned giving programs require solid marketing strategies. This session is designed to provide you with step-by-step details to conduct your own planned giving marketing campaign while focusing on the greatest ROI. Discover the difference between content and engagement marketing to help you engage far more donors than ever before.

Breakout Session IV: Track Two

Using Planned Giving to Turn a “No” into a “Yes”

Hal Abrams, JD, LLM
Hal J. Abrams Planned Giving Consultant

This session gives a major gift fundraiser’s perspective on how to use traditional and creative planned giving techniques to clear the hurdles that caused a donor to initially decline a major gift request and turn their “No” into a ‘Yes.” The presenter will examine a number of common case studies where a donor has declined a major gift request and discuss techniques to turn the “No” into a “Yes.” The presenter will highlight that the fundraiser does not need to be a planned giving specialist nor be knowledgeable in the finer details of planned giving to achieve positive major gift results.

Fundraisers can be successful by being confident enough to continue a conversation after the solicitation has been declined and use planned giving techniques to learn more about the goals and needs of the donors. With this additional information, the fundraiser will be a major step closer to helping a donor make a major gift now or in the near future.

Breakout Session IV: Track Three

Successful Partnerships with Your Business & Finance Offices


Teri Patapoff
Associate Director of Development
Oregon Health & Science University Foundation


Kevin Harvey
Associate Vice President for Finance
Oregon State University Foundation

Kathy Saitas, JD
Advancement Counsel and Senior Director of Gift Planning
Reed College

Savvy fundraisers already know that legacy gifts can be some of the largest and most impactful ways for individual donors to support your mission. But your business and finance office colleagues may not yet understand the importance of investing time and resources in a planned giving program for gifts that may take years to realize. In this session, we will hear from expert panelists who can help your business office understand the value of growing your organization’s planned giving program, and the roles non-fundraisers can play in supporting deferred and asset-based gifts. Attendees will also learn ways to ensure that the professionals in different roles in your organization can “speak the same language” in order to best serve your donors and your mission. Please invite your team from finance, marketing, and communications, to learn how supporting legacy giving can strengthen your organization today. Time will be held for Q&A from attendees.

 4:00pm: Reception and Raffle